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Hiku said:

If you ask me, I'm not concerned with the number of sales it has every year. Though that is a sign of how many people accept this practice.
My issue with this is that the changes between each iteration are often much smaller than what you'd find in DLC expansions for other games. Take Super Street Fighter 4 for example. There were multiple game system updates, balance changes, new characters, etc. And each time suince Super they allowed you to update through DLC for a reduced price. But since the FIFA/Madden/NHL/NBA fans keep buying these every year at full price, EA get away with this kind of practice.

Yes i can see you your point there that in other Games, some gaps seem bigger, but the last 2 years for me they did a lot of cool changes, Gameplaywise and new features. For Example i love Ultimate team and last year they added FUT Draft which was amazing especially for streamer and as a viewer, that was sick and this year they added another 2 big new features which are amazing in my opinion and make Ultimate Team even bigger and better for me. 

And then this year we get like a around 16 hour campaign for the first time which is also huge and a big improvement and the new engine. So Fifa 17 is a big jump in my opinion and yes its never really a big jump or it doesnt look like it, but its making the game which already is a lot of fun even better. So i dont really want more or bigger changes that would make the game worse than better actually. At least thas how i feel about Fifa, other Fifafans may not see it this way. 

Yes it works for EA, but its also Sportsgames and they are in a different category than other Genres. I would say only People who love the certain sport in real life will buy the game and people who dont like it will propably never buy it. But thats not the case for other Genres, so Sport Games are in a special category in my opinion.