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SvennoJ said:

What's the difference between the latest HDR craze and HDR games have been developing for a decade? Isn't the only difference the output method?

Nope. The difference is more than that.
Though they set out to solve the same problem... To improve the contrast ratio between its brightest and darkest parts.

Interestingly... Valve's Source engine has had support for the last 11+ years... And even games like Halo 3 had HDR.

Here is the difference between HDR and no HDR in the first FarCry game back in 2004. (12 years ago.)

Note the superior lighting and contrast.

SvennoJ said:

Reducing memory bandwidth is always beneficial, that's where I got the biggest gains in performence when I was still a programmer. Plus with the lower display precision of PSVR and no HDR output capabilities, using fp16 seems a good idea to me to sustain 60 or 90fps.

More bandwidth is beneficial up to a point, then you become shader/rop/texturing etc' bound.
Case in point take the Geforce 1080, it has less real-world bandwidth than Fury... (320GB/s vs 512GB/s) But also beats fury around in almost every benchmark, even benchmarks where you would assume bandwidth would play a larger role.

As for VR... You may be able to pick up smaller imperfections in rendering, which might make fp16 a bad choice. - Not having seen it in a real-world VR situation though so I can only assume that would be the case.

FP16's use will vary from game to game though, simpler/indie games will use it more than big AAA titles.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--