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Conina said:

"The only casualty in the move to 4K comes from the omission of anti-aliasing - you get 2x MSAA on the base PlayStation 4, while the rich pixel density and post-processing means that it isn't really required at all at 4K."

"On paper though, the technical accomplishment here is impressive. VooFoo has quadrupled resolution over the base PS4 version, and it has done this using a GPU that only has 2.3x the compute power of the older hardware and only 25 per cent more memory bandwidth. Either the base PS4 is being significantly underutilised (in which case we would expect an improvement on its 2x MSAA) or there's something more going on behind the scenes."

My money is on underutilised instead of secret sauce. The game doesn't look as demanding as other 60fps PS4 games and the game engine is optimized for mobile devices. 

So if it only uses/needs 50% of the PS4 power for 60 fps in 1920x1080 (with MSAA off), there is no secret sauce needed to get to 60 fps in 3840x2160 on the PS4 Pro... it is normal GPU scaling.

No. All Pro games we have seen until now show us that 2.3x more GPU is roughly enough to to 2x more pixels, not 4x (because you also need bigger resolution texture and higher resolution effects etc).

If it was underused on the base PS4 they would have used 4xMSAA and not 2xMSAA.