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KBG29 said:

Yeah, we have pretty much exactly opposite views. I preffer iOS, and PS Vita OS over Android, and I preffer the PS4, XBO, and Mac OSs, over Windows and Linux, although, I like the direction Microsoft is taking Windows.

I have no problem with people liking things that oppose my views, but I am always going to bring up my side when it comes to a debate or discussion, just as I would expect you would as well. I would hbope that would not completely distroy our forum relationship though. I would love to talk games, VR, and other gaming related stuff, without our views on OSs and ecosystems causing a rift.

No, I think you do have a problem, because when something threatens your vision, you wish it to be squashed. The way you wrote about MS and the desire to squash Steam tells me what I needed to know. You value controlled eco sysrtems where I lack any form of control or options, having choices that bend the competitors is a direct threat to your vision. We already talked before about how you love competition, but only when it's around to benefit youyr absolute and only favourite, ather than being able to drop your faveorite whenever the competition prove otherwise, but you have already admtited that you never will so that point goes out the window.

You can bring up your side all you want, but it only amounts to the worship of a company, the desire to lose options and control. You are very much for a company rather than for me or anyone else who wishes for more options and less lock downs. You wouldr ather dictate what I do with my hobby than allow me and others to sway how the market should react, you'd rather they do that to me instead. I don't know what kind of relationship you expected, your desires directly clash with mine and as such, they attempt tot ake away any freedom I might have. You have your own fredom, but never to take mine away in terms of choices and options. You wish to remain and lock yourself to one, I do not and as such I do not want to be absorbed by an eco-system the way you want to.

I don't think there can be much in terms of discussion when it comes to those other topics you mentioned. The past few have already had the same outcome; a wish for Sony to sink it's teeth into those and dominate, same now with MS. You inject your desire for total control which will always, always clash with mine, because that view alone just exists to take away mine, with my view, I allow you to hop to whever you want to go, I have no desire to lock you down to a single choice. I don't mind where you go to or from. Your view however, would lock me down and give me far fewer options and choices with very little meaningful competition.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"