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CosmicSex said:
he says that myopia is at 40% now due to smart phones... but good luck trying to get those banned. Anyway, I don't buy it at all. Sony says its only for ages 12+ and thats fine. Not for small kids and not for like 8 hour runs.

He references a rat experiment where the where in the 'VR Environment' (what the fuck does that acutally mean anyway) and part of their brains shut down. This is actually a testament to how immersive this tech is. It means that while in this environment, you brain isn't receiving outside stimulus.

He goes on to say that this is probably fear mongering /thread

There is an Oculus Rift for rats ? Wow how did they manage to shrink it down like that ? Does it also have tiny headphones and a tiny xbox controller ? Or did they solve the locomotion control some other way ?