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zero129 said:
deskpro2k3 said:
PSVR will make VR games mainstream. I don't see Vive, or Oculus doing it.

If you dont see vive or Oculus doing it PSVR is not going to do it.

In fact the only way i see VR becoming proper mainstream is on Mobile phones.

Fact is imo PC and Console VR is going to be a niche market (Wont be too bad for PC thanks to it being open platform sucks when VR support gets dropped with devs on PS4 thanks to low sales). But Mobile is where it will explode. Hell mobile VR can already do AR and VR in the one device.

You can use your mobile VR device on your PC and maybe even in the future on your consoles. Mobile VR has come on leaps and bounds since it first came out and best thing is if you plan on buying a good mobile phone this year your going to have 80% of the VR hardware already in your hands.

I love both pc and console gaming as well as own an S7 Edge with Gear VR... the only solution that can make VR mainstream in terms of gaming is the PSVR. By this time next year I'm quite certain it will have outsold the Vive and Rift combined by at least 2x the units (being conservative here).

The Vive is really great, but the PC is lacking the real AAA experiences that the PS4 will get, and that's the advantage of having a major 1st party supporting the platform. Now the big kicker is... Sony has mentioned before they are looking into PC support for the PSVR. If that comes to fruition, HTC and Facebook might as well just pack their bags and call it a day.


PS: mobile VR is pretty terrible for anything that isn't simply watching videos/movies