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Nuvendil said:

Seriosuly? THIS is where they draw the line in the sand? Where were these guys when Randy Pitchford and Gearbox were shoveling bull crap about Aliens Colonial Marines?

Where was this with games that falsely advertise with blatantly unrepresentative graphics?

Or shoot, where have these guardians of the consumers been for the years of prerendered hype-mongering CG that is COMPLETELY unrepresentative of what the game is like (hello The Division).

This is good in principle, but the fact it has taken this long is bloody pathetic.  Colonial Marines STILL has unrepresentative, LYING screenshots on its Steam store page for goodness sake.  

I would say misleading graphics in a trailer or a shitty game is not the same as false advertising of No Man's Sky.

Constnatly in interviews and clips they claim they can do this, or do that, when the game does not let you do any of those things. That is false advertising. Saying it woudl take a long time to get ot the sun flying, but possible (not possible, game glitches out). Saying you can meet up with other people though insanely unlikely and is only way to find out what you look like cause you'll see other person (not possible). The portal one walks through in a trailer (no portal anywhere). And some more flat out lies that I can't thik of on top of head.

But beyond the flat out lies, the game is just bad. The center of the galaxy that was teased as super cool and special is a joke. The gameplay is another complete joke. I mean watch teh first couple minutes of angryjoe review and if you played the game you know exactly it. You just walk around planets and mine shit, meanwhile hearing some annoying damn voice every five seconds saying radiation, or suit, or depleted, ect. 

And even if you don't mind doing that (i didn't completely) there is still no real incentive to play. You can max out your ship, suit and gun very quickly. Language learning was neat for a sec, but then you realize there is no point to it. All it does it let you solve puzzles better (not hard in first place) which reward to those puzzles is a new word.  But what is the point of playing the game after you got full slots in all your 3 gears? Money is insanely easy to get, but nothign worth buying. Suit upgrades and ship upgrades are easy to get and install, but what's the point. Not like space battle or ground combat is any fun or has any purpose.