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BrayanA said:

Came on PooperScooper, (ew you came on poop....)

Pinata - I'm hardcore gamer - 30 years old male. Viva Pinata? No way I'm playing this, but my daughter loves it. Guest who is buying Viva Pinata 2. (Sucker...)

"Halo - Whats that? starcraft FPS"
Starcraft? You know nothing about Halo! I don't like this game too, but this doesn't mean that Halo is not a good game and I can understand way this game has so many fans. Halo is just easy to play. You don't care to much about amo, health and dark levels. One very important thing - good gameplay.(Your opinion not mine. I have played 1 and 2 on the original xbox. There was nothing good about it and it most definitely is a starcraft rip off in m opinion. this is the worst game on the xbox in my opinion with max payne being the best)

Crackdown - never play it. (thank the lord you havent. Think of.... Gears of War and Halo.... Marines on steroids.... Imagine that....)
Gears of War - damn good game. This was the best for 2006. Overrated? Hahaha ... loser! (So I'm a loser because me and a bunch other think this game was overrated.... I think someone here is a loser but I dont think its me for thinking a game is overrated. ALSO THIS IS THE EXACT MENTALITY THE OP IS AGAINST!!!! Imagine that.... Anyways what was so great about this game? The cover system and thats it. The story and multiplayer SUCKED ASS Not AAA in the least)
Hell Raising - hahaha. Same as Halo. You know nothing about Dead Rising. This game is not AAA. It's just fun to play it. (.... That's right I know nothing about what I like... You know me OH SO MUCH BETTER DONT YOU This game is dull after 30 minutes)
Shadow Run - never play it. (Yet again thank the lord. Worst than Crackdown ... it really is...)
Bioshock - damn good game. For gamers that like this kind of games, Bioshock is one of the best. (Yet again your opinion...)
Mass Effect - damn good game. AAA title. Must have for all WRPG fans. (Yeah I hated Fable so what does that tell ya?)

R&C - look at Viva Pinata. (Nothing like Viva Pinata....)
Uncharted - brr ... everything in this game looks like plastic. Gears of War ot Uncharted? Gears of War all the way! (Uncharted all the way!)
Resistance - AAA title? Really? Dude Resistance is on the same level as Condemned 2 and nobody is pointing Condemned as AAA title. (Crackdown, Dead Rising, and Shadowrun aren't triple A either, but that doesn't mean I didn't have oodles of noodles of more fun with this multiplayer than I did with anything 360 had at the time (AKA gears of war)
Heavenly sword - not bad, not good, too short. This is the only game in this list that I actually played to the end. I mean PS3 game. (This game is fantastic.)

There are good games on both consoles. For someone Halo 3 or Resistance are very good, for others they are crap. Play games you want and leave others to play what they like! (but yet your trying to force 360 games down my throat...)

Army of Two got 6.5 from Gamespot. I tried it with friend on splitscreen and it was a lot of fun. This game is 8.5 for me.