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I'm not American nor do I usualy watch US debates, imo these are mostly circuses, it's the same here in Quebec, Canada, a real circus... I spent the last year watching Trump insulting his way to the presidency (taken from Jeb Bush) so I'm quite familiar with his behavior. Thank god we don't have this kind of man running for president over here!

I didn't really follow Clinton's race though. I have watched some of Bernie Sanders speeches and thought the guy could to be President. Then all these things about Hilary, email fiasco, her bad health (parkinson, what?!?), her doubles etc. came to my knowing in the last month.

I have watched the debate and seriously Trump and Hilary are both unfit to be President. Everyone says Hilary won but frankly she didn't win anything, she kept avoiding questions with all sorts of pirouettes and attacking Trump over pointless stuff. She didn't seem to have a plan for anything, "we need to take care of ISIS" well no shit, how are you gonna do that? "We need to make the streets a safer place in the black community!" Of course now how are you gonna do that? "We need to create more jobs!" Good, what's the plan? "We need to stop the cyber attacks!" ... Does she even know what a cyber attack is?

Really she was bad... not to talk about how she looked stoned all the time... she can't run for President!

Trump talks a lot and he keeps tripping. He's insulting everyone and uses jokes that a President should never use (400lbs fat guy? Really?). He seems to have a financial plan but how exactly is he gonna make it? Problems around the world seem easy fix to him but he clearly doesn't seem to know shit. He's right on some points though. America needs to keep their industries, America needs to stop playing the world police, ISIS funds need to be cut (no really, they have weapons, tanks, missiles, trucks, gazoline, food and shelter... that costs money and it comes from somewhere...)... taking the oil... from who and to do what? You can't just go and take some country's oil! Ohh wait isn't that why we went at war in the 2000s?

Entertainment wise the debate delivered but I wouldn't say Hilary won even though Trump made a fool out of himself. I think Trump with his lying was more on point. Thank god I don't have to vote, how did these two ended up being the only choice?!?