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FromDK said:

we agree.. it dosent change anythingin in our live.. but mayby after..

If this "reality" are only theoretical.. it opens up the posibility that dead is not the end..

Depends, do you take care of all those simulated worlds you've played in? Where is Civilization and Minecraft heaven? Lost savegames on a HDD or memory card that is destined to fail.

John2290 said:

Lmao. I really hope your not this bitter. You feeling alright.,.bad day?   Sim or not, real or a dream, the imagination of ourselves or an elaborate illussion created by DNA so it can use us to modify itself into something greater,..whatever it may be, i THINK that this particular spot, in this galaxy in this section of whatever the fuck it all is, everything that has happened, and can be experienced is pretty damn wonderful, even the bad shit that contrasts the good. Lovely slice of the cake, we could have it much worse and the fact that we have the ability to make it better is the icing and drugs are the little cherry on top.

Don't worry, just kidding around. I remember having this theory as a kid that time on earth was like school, you go through several lives to learn. Somewhere outside you would keep all your experiences. It's fun to wonder about things, however the older I get, it's more fun to simply experience being alive. Less mind time, more time enjoying all the other senses. The best part of the simulation is the sun, that seems to have the biggest effect on my mood. It was a dark rainy day, sun is back out now :)