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Peh said:
JRPGfan said:

Would you really rathered have played "this" game alone? I guess you could always choose to do so if you wanted.

Buy some hiking gear, run out into the wilderness and see if you can survive without ever needing anything from anymore or meeting anyone again.

Id like to think this game is more fun played multiplayer mode.

How would you know that you are not playing this game alone? Everyone else would be just a NPC. It's the same situation like in a dream. Everyone else is just a fabrication of your brain.

Because that line of thinking is scary, also theres no way to ever know one way or another.  Sociopaths think like that btw, nothing but them matter to them.

So you play it safe, and assume the others in this game, are like you a player, your bound to live a better life, with a more sane mind while doing so. Even if your wrong and everyone is just a NPC, at the end of it, I doubt you ll have regretted treating them like players. The same cant be said if you live the otherway, you might end up regretting that at the end.

Suppose it really is a "game" and your high score dictates where you go afterwards. You cant know until youve played the game to the end.