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In the image below you can see removable and modular controllers and a sort of screen/tablet placed on a stand that seemingly lets you to connect the console to the TV. Given the rumours that we've heard about the machine being a console-handheld hybrid, it's certainly plausible that this is real (but then again, we said that last time).



Probably it's fake,  the material quality  is extremely poor and devices look ugly, so this can't be real, unless it's a  prototype! However, the concept is interesting and congruent with the patents we have seen! Do you remember the U shaped controller pantent?

The detachable controllers, are being extracted from the handheld console screen and connect, one to the left  and the other to right of a curved bar, forming a U shaped controller. Imaginative!

 I don't like  the implication that comes from the image, which  is the handheld console  not being  be a controller ( but just the removable controllers of it )  for the home gaming experience since the handheld screen is attached to a dock ( I'm expecting  and want Nintendo to retain the wii u gamepad philosophy combined with the goods  of controller  being also an independed handheld console....)

*Playing the game that you were playing at home, outside.

* Playing the game that you were playing on your tv in  the living room, in your bedroom, lying on your bed.

What wii u should have done...

In the image we see a hybrid/one system with more than one device, what I'm talking about isn't a hybrid though, eh? My idea ( of portable wii u ) would need two seperate consoles, that's not a hybrid? Even if the Ha/C is a controller for the Ho/C and both get the same catridge ?