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Good for her. I wish I could have a firearm but Brazil is a terrible place.

Do not get me wrong: I believe in the teachings of the Lord Jesus, to be meek and humble. I of couse, live by that.

To give to those that ask, to lend without hoping to recieve, to be good to the evil. Bu this does not mean to let rapists rape us or robbers to rob you. We can, of course, avoid the evil that men try to do. You have to use your common sense or else you act like a fool, and that the Bible forbids.

I believe in self defence, yes, against thieves and criminals, rapists, yes.

But I also believe in loving my enemies, doing good to those that hate me, honoring my parents, fearing God, trusting that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Saviour of everyone that believes.

I do carry a retractable baton all the time with me, because I am a courthouse officer and sometimes in the investigations people get kinda agressive. I do not see how that conflicts with being a christian.

I am not a serial killer or anything. But, yes, I believe in self deffense.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.