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Poojipoo said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

If I was a betting man I would say absolutely. As a Libertarian, I'm not a fan of Trump (or Clinton) but I am fairly confident that he will be the next President.

Momentum is on his side and there are still alot of people who will not admit that they are voting for him. The Clinton scandals we've seen with the corrupted foundation, emails and Bernie Sanders DNC screwjob will pale in comparison to what Drudge, Infowars and Julian Assange will release next month. 

I can see it being a landslide for Trump. Similar in retrospect of the 88' elections.

The only way she wins this is if they can manage to rig the voting machines.

I'm curious, am I missing something on the Clinton Foundation scandal? I've been doing a ton of research on it (and other aspects of each candidate to stay informed) but I'm having trouble understanding the controversy here. The Foundation's use of its funds are fully transparent and obviously going towards very good causes across the world... There's only allegations that the Clintons give special attention to donors, but no substantial evidence it had any negative impact in how Hillary did her job.  There's definitely stuff of substance to criticize her for, but I'm having trouble finding evidence their Foundation is of importance? 


On the flip side, Trump uses the Trump Foundation's charity earnings to pay off lawsuits for his businesses and buy paintings of himself. It's sort of hilarious to even compare the two foundations' work in this regard... 

Did you miss the whole "pay to play". Donate to become an ambasador. Donate to get to talk to hillar, Donate to get to talk to other government officials. Donate to get your uranium purchse approved. Thats just from memory.


Nevermind I guess you have seen them but just think corruption doesnt impact doing your job. Head in the sand much? The polls sure dont show that the rest of the american people dont believe that.