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Yerm said:
and in the spirit of arguing, i present counter-claims to each of your points:

Price -
so your argument is that you had the money to spend so you got it, but other people arent in that kind of position so it isnt for them. arguing that something "is not for everyone" is the weakest excuse you can use to try to defend something. this is a smartphone, meaning if there is a large amount of the smartphone market that doesnt like it, it has failed its one purpose. if you open a restaurant, you want to have your food appeal to everyone. if you design a tv show you want it to appeal to everyone. if you design a smartphone, you want it to appeal to everyone, not just some of the people.

First, this phone obviously hasn't "failed" when it's selling like hot cakes. Second, there are target demographics for everything. Buying a new iPhone 7 if you're not all that interested in smart phones or are short on cash doesn't make a lick of sense. Referencing restaurants, you are apparently under the impression that a Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and a Burger King are targeting the same consumers and offering the same products merely because they're both restaurants. The appeal may be there, but that doesn't mean it's a wise or advisable purchase. Context is king.

Headphones -
the new airpods are the most redundant thing on the planet. the headphone dongle is now just another thing iPhone users have to carry around with them. the airpods themselves are almost useless. they can ONLY be used with the iphone 7. meaning you need an actual set of headphones for everything else. and why did it have to be tiny headphones that could be easily misplaced. why not a headset that is basically impossible to lose? and your argument of "It seems likely to me that most of the people who misplace their earbuds are the same ones who would likewise replace their wired earbuds." is exactly the point. a normal wired set of headphones can cost a few bucks, these are $150, not something you want to lose. and dont say it makes the space inside the phone easier to use. i have eaten pancakes thicker that this phone. an extra few millimeters of thickness would not hurt, and it would have enough space for everything.

Ear Buds are more popular than headphones when out and about; if they'd included headphones instead people would be out buying ear buds right now. Losing those wireless "airpods" or whatever would indeed be painful, I don't disagree there... I just tend to keep track of my things by having designated pockets for them (the small pocket in jeans is a great place, for instance, and I keep my adapter there as well). You can bet if I ever lose them I'll just be using wired ear buds going forward heh

Home Button -
i hate touch censors and want them to stop existing. NEXT

lol You don't even have to use the touch features, it feels and functions like old home buttons. Unfortunately, much like everyone who initially hated the idea of losing buttons for dialing (I was one of them) but eventually caved, touch censors aren't going anywhere.

everything else mentioned is something Apple just caught up with, is still behind on, or is just basic expectation for buying a new phone. and while all that is great, here are a few things all new phone models should have but Apple seemed to sweep under the rug-
They've just produced the best speaker system on the market and are the first to introduce quality zoom to mobile cameras, but ok.

Call quality
App speed
glass strength
any new features whatsoever
Call quality has been great for me (speakerphone mode is also much improved due to better speakers and mic), app speed is faster than any comparable smart phone, it's now made of aluminum and more durable than most of its competitors (including the Samsung Galaxy 7), and like I said before, there are indeed new features and improvements.

in all honesty, it feels like they make this phone because they felt like they had to, because they backed themselves into a corner by always releasing a new phone every year. so they threw the iPhone 7 into the market with nothing supporting it just knowing that people would want it anyways.

They definitely feel a need to innovate, which can be hard when you've squeezed most of the features people want onto the phone already. I really wish they'd stop with these mid-generation installments and just take a couple years to really "wow" us with the iPhone 8, but knowing them that won't happen.