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why must they copy the wii? well, i guess it doesnt really matter. i mean, everyone copied ataris joystick so i guess its not that bad. the wiimote enhances gameplay, so it makes sense for others to follow. wii = future. probably more than the ps3 because the wii is innovative. ps3 is powerful, yes, but woopteeflippingdoo. in a decade, the ps3s graphics which right now are apparently worse than the 360s will look horrible in the future anyways, while wiimote technology might be implemented into future consoles. graphics aren't that important. its gameplay. wiimote = gameplay. ps3 = graphics. not that i have anything against the ps3. it kicks ass. of course i have one. i have them all. but it doesnt really do anything new, besides having better graphics, and all that movie stuff like bluray. it makes a good supercomputer though. woops, i trailed off topic. why am i talking about the ps3? anyways, the 360. yeah. well, u never know. maybe they'll make a better controller than the wiimote, and take over the market. that would be pretty cool. i wonder how banjo will play? meh. even if its good, it probably wont save the game from straying too far from the series, and being 80% flying. wow... now im talking about banjo. damn it. stay on topic. 360 wiimote. might be good. we'll see.