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cmay227 said:
foodfather said:
A meaningless stat since 4k tvs are cheap, same price roughly as regular hd yet 4k content is no way near being adopted as high as blurays.

Actually 4k UHD Blu-rays are selling at a faster pace then Blu-ray did. Also faster then DVD as well.  4k UHD Blu-rays have only been on sale for 6 months as well.

Not surprising as there is no format war this time and players started at $400 instead of $1200. 4K UHD also started a lot more mature than blu-ray did (single layer discs, mpeg 2, lpcm 5.1) Blu-ray was launched early not to give hd-dvd too much of a headstart, which hurt early adopters as the early players could not read later discs.

DVD was in the same boat, very expensive early players with early discs still lagging behind in quality compared to Laserdisc. I had a few early discs that were straight transfers from VHS with subtitles baked into the video.

And those cheap 4K tvs only help ofcourse. 1080p tvs were damn expensive at the launch of blu-ray. Anyway with 15 million tvs, 700k players and only 500k movies sold, not exactly selling like hot cakes.

Btw that faster pace was reported in June for the first 3 months. It's not repeated anymore, probably because the ps3 launched in that time frame which flipped the hd-dvd - blu-ray format war completely upside down. I guess it's not outpacing it anymore.