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tokilamockingbrd said:
CosmicSex said:
Trump offers nothing. Either way, sometimes we fall prey to our own prejudices a nd fear and for those people, Trump offers the last chance to take your country back (or away) from those who you have been taught to fear, hate, disparage, or whatever. But in reality, there is a reason he loses to educated white people... and everyone else who isn't an angry white male... and he will lose according to all available data. He is simply not presidential material and we don't want to build a damn wall. Educated people realize that a wall wont improve the quality of our lives. It is just a way to tap into racist group thought.

I know it was just a republican primary but trump killed it in Manhattan island, probably the densest location of well educated individuals in the world. The idea that intelligent people don't like Trump is bunk. Its what people who don't like trump tell themselves to make themselves feel like they are superior. 

Also, just because you believe people should not be allowed to come into the country un-documented does not mean you hate them. Ever been to another country? Take Japan, you want to visit there you need to show up with your departure information ready to present. 

You use alot of stereo types in general. Maybe Trump supporters feel the only people who support Hilary are angry minorities that feel they should have special priveledges. 

I guess I am in the position where I am not attached to either side, so I don't get caught up in all the emotional BS that cause people to hate one side or the other. I don't get attached to public figures. I guess that is why I liked Romney, he was cut and dry, intelligent and did his best to stay away from emotional bs. 

"Maybe Trump supporters feel the only people who support Hilary are angry minorities that feel they should have special priveledges. "

Bingo.  You see for some folks that aren't affected by racism, it doesn't exsist and minorities just want special favors. If it doesn't concern you you can pass it off as emotional BS.  It must be nice to simply dismiss the concerns of others as non important.