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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Bandorr said:

I'm looking for a Sony 4k TV with HDR right around that size. Can you tell me the model number?

Just a couple things to note on what you are sacrificing with this TV vs a high end model. And truth be told it is not much considering the savings.

Audio: The audio is abosolute jumk on this TV according to the couple of reviews I have read. Don't buy this unless you use an AVR and speakers.

Video: It is not as bright as other TV's in it's class so HDR will not be as impactful, and it is not Dolby Vision (best HDR format so far) compatible. 

     Viewing angle is not very good so if you have seating that is than 20 Degrees off from center know that color quality is instantly lost at the seating edges.

     Oh and Light bleed is kinda bad in super dark scenes.

Other than than the color quality is great, it is a good size and price. It is 4K, has decent HDR and it's upscaler is one of the better ones.