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9 hours since last update:


#10 PS4Pro (down 4)*
#12 N3DSXL SL Black Bundle (new entry)*
#30 PS4s UC4 Bundle (down 5)
#33 PS4 Black Ops III Bundle (down 4)
#34 XB1s-500gb Halo Bundle (down 6)
#35 Scorpio Spec Sheet (down 5)*
#43 N3DSXL Galaxy (up 1)
#74 XB1s-2tb (down 1)
#81 PS4 UC4 Bundle (down 3)
#83 XB1s-1tb Madden Bundle (up 1)

Does not affect this month (*)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
#14 3DS Dragon Quest VII (up 5)
#15 3DS Pokemon Moon (down 3)
#16 3DS Pokemon Sun (down 5)
#18 3DS Pokemon Sun&Moon (same)
#36 XB1 FH3 Ultimate Edition (up 4)
#60 XB1 FH3 (up 4)

Don't jump to conclusions based on the fact all the bundles have dropped. They haven't suddenly become more unpopular, software has offset their positions.

And this is the classiest bundle I've ever seen:


The PS5 Exists.