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scorpio is in an odd place to me.

1. all of scorpio's games are going to xbox one according to current PR. things will look better on scorpio than xbox one but i'm not sure first party will look better than ps4 pro because they are have to support a lower base line. i don't believe 3rd party will do much to optimize on either ps4 pro or scorpio beyond resolution.

2. all of scropio's games are on PC anyways so you can all ready get the higher performance if that's your thing. not everyone loves PCs but i'll wager most true graphic whores are willing to play on PC.

3. scorpio will be $50 to $150 dollars more expensive than ps4 pro depending how both companies tolerance for selling at a loss.

4. ms has a much less compelling set of first party offerings

5. scorpio is a year late

6. but most importantly,.. with this iterative console offering the "not hitting the reset button" is not just for developers it is also for consumers. like the divide between android and IOs not too many really bounce between the platforms once invested. sony won the ps4 vs xbox one race by quite a bit. i really doubt many consumers will switch from xbox to playstation or from playstation to xbox this next gen. it would take a staggering difference in capabilities and games to make me walk away from the thousands of dollars of investment i've made into the platform of my choice. i think most gamers will have the same feelings.