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It's really not sounding good for Sen no Kiseki 3 on Vita:

It doesn't sound anywhere near ready yet so may miss 2017; Kondo is talking about making the graphics miles better and he's talked in the past about cutting content from Sen 2 in order to fit it on Vita.

I really, really don't understand his logic regarding this.  They survived for 6 years on PSP's power, yet they're already done with Vita?  There has to be an element of business sense regarding this and that's what I just don't understand - I get creator's desire to make the biggest, best game they can, but consider where your audience is and sell to them.  If your audience is on a handheld, tailor the experience to a handheld.

It's a shame because Falcom have been bloody brilliant to Vita over the years, only for it to fritter out like this.