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exclusive_console said:


What do you mean disable affects ? If you look at PS3,360 and PS4, Xbone multiplats the only difference is the resolution and some games early on during PS3 lifecyle had different AA rest of the asset quality was pretty much same PS4Pro and Xbone2 will follow the same trend. That is why I said 1080P mode will be same. Above that 1200P vs 1440P or 1440P vs 1800P or so on will be the only differences. Ok may be there might be 1-2games having more grass density lol

I am talking about relative to the PC mostly.

If you look at a game like Overwatch they disabled reflections and toned down shadowing and the game still scales in resolution more often than the PS4 in order to maintain 60fps.

Some games on the PS4 will use HBAO whilst the Xbox One will use SSAO as it's cheaper.

Resolution is only part of the story and you will for the most part not notice unless you had the games running side by side.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--