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No, you need to think about long term business too. What would Sony possibly release in, say, 2018 that is more powerful than the Scorpio and yet still affordable? And if it's not more powerful than the Scorpio, then what's the point? It would be a really bad look for Sony if their next generation console was only about as powerful as the Xbox One. It would leave the door wide open for Microsoft to prep their next generation hardware for a few years down the line that would then make the PS5 look very, very out dated.

I don't think these new consoles are going to be as big of a deal as many are making them out to be. Even after they're released I have a feeling the base models (or the slim models now) are still going to outsell them. I seriously doubt the NEO and Scorpio are going to catch up to what the PS4 and Xbox One base models have sold any time soon.

That being said, I don't think NEO being infinitely inferior to Scorpio is going to harm the PS4 as much as some people are making it out like. They'll be the weaker console like they were in the PS2 generation and they'll be fine. Their exclusive titles are finally starting to hit their stride and it looks like the line up they have set for 2017 and 2018 is the best they've had on the PS4 so far. I don't believe that the PS4 being slightly more powerful is what made it sell. I think the excellent marketing and hype culture Sony cultivated around that console is what made it fly off the shelves. They've been going for all the right gut-punches at E3 with the PS4. Even if you're someone who doesn't follow gaming news the positive buzz is infectious in our always-connected, social media age. Savvy use of the Internet nerd culture and their transference of positive word of mouth generated through social media is what sold the PS4.