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WOW. This thing generated a lot of buzz, even on these forums. Wonder if this will turn out like Virtual Boy, or the Power Glove? Those tanked the systems that tried them right? Those affected their overall sales right? Those were original ideas right? No one had tried virtual reality at that point right? Man these NBoys forget easily. MS's bread and butter is their Office Suite which no one does better., and don't say shit about Google's online stuff because it blows balls when compared features wise. Big companies never come up with the original ideas they always buy up or pay the smaller more agile companies for what they come up with. It has always been like that and will always be like that. These stories are all bullshit anyway. They would never call your persona anything with a ii on the end of it. No one is that stupid. Microsoft is not the only other person making mp3 players. Are all others copycats of Apple? There is nothing about the IPod that sets it above the others. They play music. Plain and simple. Oh, but their marketing department is brilliant and can make the public think they are cool by using them, just like they market every other Apple product. Ask someone who uses Apple products why they use it, "Because they are cool". The Atari had a joystick, all controllers nowadays are copycats of that. Even Google doesn't come up with half their shit, they purchase as many start up companies as Microsoft. Blindly following the crowd that hates the big boy. Microsoft isn't a designed to be hip with teenagers. They are a company in bed with big business and looking cool is the last thing that would sell to a company. Apple has failed to penetrate the business market in the past and now doesn't even try. They don't offer the level of customer support that is necessary for a big business to integrate their software. They know it and don't care and go after the easily manipulated. I own a Zune(won it on Live Search Club) and it does everything an IPod does that I would be looking for. Playing my music. If you have a problem with using Zune software, you have to be retarded. I hope it works and I hope they make games that utilize the controller more than the Wii. RTS games could be really easy to do on the controller, sword play could be awesome. It could also fail miserably. Who cares? There has been a massive amount of peripherals that have failed. HDDvd was mainly a tactic by Microsoft to prolong the format war so that consumers did not gravitate to either one and downloads would become the main source of recieving movies. This has yet to play out as Blu-Ray as not seen a very good adoption rate and in fact is probably mostly fueled by PS3 owners. This alone cannot help float a format into what DVD has become. Fiber optic infrastructures are just now being rolled out and once that happens, bandwidth will be more than enough to stream content. Hell, you could even stream all games. This would create cheaper productions, no more optic drives, no more disc printing. This is way of the future.