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I agree with Microsoft, the Scorpio will be just fine and it's a true mid generation upgrade. Where as the ps4 pro is a half step at best. The ps4 pro can't do true 4k gaming and that's the facts .
I am getting a Scorpio and I know alot of ppl that will as well.

"The Xbox One cant do True 1080p gameing and thats the facts"    

Just because alot of games dont run 1080p on the Xbox One, doesnt mean its true for all games.


Just so you know the PS4 Pro does do "real" 4k (native) in some games, like "The Last of Us Remastered".

That will be out in real native 4k (no upscaleing), I watched the digital foundry video where they talk about the PS4 Pro, and they mention this.

So your "facts" are wrong, there will be native 4k games on the PS4 Pro, just not all of them.

Kinda like how the Xbox One, has alot of 720-900p games instead of the 1080p of the PS4.