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Well for PC users DX12 and Vulkan have been creating lot of buzz since there announcement. Low level API's and how they will improve the PC performance of games has been talked and discussed a lot with plenty of demos been shown showcasing some promising results however number of games taking advantage of this technology are not huge but that does not stops some PC developers from embarrassing it. However thing that has caught my attention recently is how certain AMD cards have shown tremendous performance gains using DirectX 12 or Vulkan. Doom was the most recent example which provided all AMD cards a massive performance boost and now we have another game which has some really shocking numbers. I will let the numbers do the talking for themselves from here onwards. Click the two links below to see how the performance compares on new AMD and NVIDIA Gpu's. Analyse the data carefully and then let's discuss it in the comments.,9.html - DX12,7.html - DX11