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Well, I'm on the last level. A few things FR did in the last few levels:

1. They put turrets in the last few levels. Apparently they realized how stupid they made the trooper AI and put in auto turrets to kick your ass. Even then, they killed me maybe three times in an hour.

2. Special Ops. I don't know what's so special about these operatives because on the surface, they're still as cork-on-the-fork stupid as the other soldiers. It isn't even much harder to kill them.

3. The second to last level was put together by interns. It must have been. This is the one point where I wish I had screenshot capability. You would move back an inch and get total black everywhere. If you moved forward an inch, you got a full view of a three story enclosure (which you were in, I might add) that houses a giant weapon/feeder thingie. It's ridiculous. One inch, you're blind. Second inch, you're sniping people from two stories down. Absolutely-fucking-pathetic.

4. Again, this game is easy. Two days ago, I was drunk playing this game. After a brief excursion to San Diego, I'm once again playing this game... Drunk off my ass. I'm 7-8 shots deep in three hours and I'm still dying once every 15 minutes. Considering that I'm about to beat the game, that is very, very sad.

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