Fairy Tail: Pretty sure this is a new record for Hiro. He killed off Juvia, only to revive her literally half a chapter later. He does this way too much, using the Pain-of-loss power up, but then chickens out and revives the character shortly after. It's why I got sick of Dragonball Z. It's just obnoxious writing.
And Natsu gives a speech while he easily beats a villain that dominated everyone earlier. Snooze.
On brighter news, Brandish is awesome...and Gray finally knows about Natsu being E.N.D. Curious how this is going to play out.
Seven Deadly Sins: Oh nooooooooo *Joseph Joestar voice*
More intense than last chapter, and less Meliodas, which always a good thing. Didn't expect Gilfrost to be Vivian...though maybe there's another Gilfrost somewhere. Actually who the fuck is Gilfrost anyway? It's like he appeared randomly in the tournament and randomly has been tagging along ever since. Was this really all the character was meant to do?
Merlin is about as annoying as Meliodas, but she's hot so I'll give her a pass. I guess she'll probably freeze that demon with the cheap power that prevents killing, since that doesn't constitute killing I guess. Or something.
Better than last week I guess. I can be positive sometimes!
NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334