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OMG, I just found a soldier sleeping. There was literally a gunfight 20 yards from him but he was asleep against a truck.

Naturally, I poked him in the side of the head to wake him up... With four rounds from an assault rifle. Originally, I thought he may have been dead already but I had plenty of ammo so decided it would be fun just to shoot him anyway. He was alive, despite the lengthy gunfight just a few feet away.

Gotta love this AI and you gotta love a game where a drunk bastard like me carries around a fully loaded RPG with the idea that "this might come in handy later"... Over one hour later, I still haven't fired a round with it. There's no need for it. I'll tote it around until the end of the game if necessary but when I'm on Chapter 13 of 15, I'm drunk and still can't find a reason to use something like that, you know there's something wrong with the game.

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