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fatslob-:O said:
Pemalite said:

It really depends.
I mean if you make a fan project and you host it on your own servers, then there is substantual costs involved and that should at the very least be covered with say... Advertising or donations.

I strongly disagree with this ... 

That just defeats the purpose of IP ownership. If anyone but the creator could be allowed to monetize IPs then there would be no need for copyright laws. Making a derivative work only to profit from it without the creator's permission is no different from stealing and that's just ethically bankrupt ... 

I have no problems sharing derivative works but charging for it without consent of the copyright holder is going too far ...

In such an instance you wouldn't really be monetizing the IP's.
You are just putting adverts on the website to cover costs (Like with the hundreds of games Nintendo took action against), it's really not that much different from VGChartz having advertising and tons of Game Trailers/Box Art/Art littered through the forums/website.

The alternative is Nintendo could curate and host it themselves, remember the internet is larger than Nintendo, it's impossible for Nintendo to remove *everything* that infringes their I.P. (Metroid and Pokemon Uranium are still freely available for instance.)
So it makes sense to cut the Iron-fist crap.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--