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Tiling is a imagination technologies /powervr ip so Nvidia licenses it from them. I have a feeling they may have licensed it too, to ARM so tile based rendering is pretty common on many mobile chips.

Nvidia are renowned or being horrible to work with. I hope Nintendo have a very clever agreement that allows reduced royalties as the technology ages. Something Microsoft forgot to do and were screwed over by Nvidia.

Also I think Nintendo will be happy to take a lower performing chip if it saves money due to higher yields or the tablet cooling is minimal.

Lets not forgot in the end the latte gpu was shown to be only 176 gflops plus also the wii gpu included on top that might add another 12 gflops and very lower cpu performance. Also terrible memory bandwidth apart from the esram. The wii u was truly hopeless hardware at a ridiculous retail price for such weak tech.

I'm not a fan of the NX concept but it will be very easy to outperform wii u even as a portable device in 2016/7.

Nintendo like cheap ass hardware they can make a huge margin on.