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Ice Climbers - they were removed due to hardware limitations but with hardware always evolving there is no doubt they will make an appearance again some day.

Bomberman - Konami has had a huge downfall recently so I doubt this would actually happen, but Bomberman just has such a unique design that would work amazingly well in Smash Bros. His moveset could entirely revolve around him throwing different bomb types and kicking them around the stage. Sakurai is out to make more interesting characters so why not?

Inklings - Nintendo has a new IP that everyone loves so why not? It could even work as 2 characters, Inkling Girl could have a Splatershot and Inkling Boy could have a Splatroller. If we got joke characters like Wii Fit Trainer in the last game then this one is a sure hit.

Rayman - Ubisoft has dropped so many bars in the past years, but they are still a manageable 3rd party company. In the case of Rayman, he is just cartoony enough to fit in with the roster and his moveset is pretty much already there. He even already has a trophy so him being in Smash Bros isnt too far of a stretch.