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I strongly agree. I'm trying to come up with hosting that accommodates both the players who don't have the maps and those who do, and want to maximize their enjoyment of them. The pleasing of one of those groups, should not mean the displeasure of the other group.

So we have to come together to find the most common ground. Having a rotation that would kick players every 4 games would not work as the percentage of people who come back when booted is very slim. That is why I proposed that the last few games could be map pack games.

I am very open to suggestions, both from the regulars, and also from the non regulars. But for the non regulars making requests, bear in mind that if we try to accommodate your needs, we expect you to come.

Also, Saturday's map pack only game will probably be a very rare occurrence. It mostly happened because of my zeal to have an intensive game on the league's inauguration of maps. I never expect it to screw anyone over, as no one apart from the regulars had confirmed.