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shikamaru317 said:
Nintendo will be fine if NX flops, but I doubt they'll try again honestly, they could end up going 3rd party if NX flops.

They still selling consoles like their core business, of NX faile they will just try again. Keep in mind that they even this generation, generation in they have their worst selling console, they will make profit. And NX will sell better than Wii U in any case, so if they didn't abandoned market after Wii U or GC, they will definatly not abandon it after console that most likely will sell better than them.


Lawlight said:
fatslob-:O said:

Actually, Nintendo has around 8.87 billion US dollars in current assets as of June 30 with the current exchange rate but it doesn't change the point one bit that Pachter raised so good job for him being reasonable since those are few and far in between ... 

This. So, it's about US$1.8B less than in 2012. For comparison Sony has US$37.8B.

Not exactly good comparison, Sony company have 123k employees, Nintendo company company has around 5k employes, so size of those two companies are incompatible (far more logical comparison would be Microsoft and Sony), but despite that whole Sony is just a little more valuable than Nintendo, that's pretty fascenting. Also keep in mind that Sony still have debts, Nintendo never had any debts.


collint0101 said:
Is anyone expecting the nx to flat out bomb, like Wii u level or worse? There were tons of factors that caused the wii u to end up the way it and I feel like Nintendo isn't dumb enough to repeat all of them again. Even if they go and only fix one major problem (the marketing, launch line up, release schedule ect) that would basically guarantee better sales than the Wii u

Like you wrote, Nintendo made too many huge mistakes with Wii U and thats why Wii U is their worst selling console ever. Saying that I don't believe they can repeat all those huge mistake even if they want and of course they will work hard to not repeat them. Its hard to predict NX sales at this point, but I am sure it will sell much better than Wii U, because it can't sell less. :)