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last92 said:
But excess cash is not a good thing per se. It means that Nintendo doesn't know how to invest it for profitable projects=lack of creativity and planning or a fucked up capital budgeting process. Or just plain management stupidity. Especially in a situation where a company is struggling on their core business and it still has such a high amount of cash.
I'd be way happier to see that cash halved in the next few years to undertake some interesting projects. They said they need cash because the gaming industry is volatile so they need some sort of shield for the bad times, right? Well, now is "bad times" for them, so time to spend some of that cash.

Who knows what they're doing with the money on hand. You can't just spend, spend, spend. They have to invest carefully. Just because fans want them to create more studios or more games, doesn't mean money will solve that. Creating a studio is a process that can be complicated (see Curt Schilling's former game studio) and in order to make games in a faster pace, utilizing old assets isn't a bad idea (thus a lot of recent 3DS games with old assets but are released sooner so there's someone to look forward to). Who knows how much their upcoming NX projects are going to be this time around as well. Plus, they are already trying to hire for some positions, though not necessarily game related (check out their Nintendo Jobs twitter account).

They've just made a deal with Universal Studios to create theme parks so  they've must've paid at pretty good amount in agreement to create the attractions they envisioned. Plus, they did just open a new studio to help create more animation stuff like Yoshi's Woolly World shorts and Pikmin shorts.