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The gaming community lost their cool when the first rumours about a new 4K version of PS4 would come out. Indeed, it is a such drastic change from previous generations where consoles had the advantage over PC because consoles are plug-and-play machines where you don't have to worry about tweaks and such...

Sega has showed that add-ons and upgrades that divides the playerbase are bad, right? So, what is the point? According to Sony, the Neo is an answer to the gamers that goes to PC. But I doubt they know why this happens.

It is true that on PS360 era there was a major graphical difference between console and PC, but nowdays? You can watch comparative videos of The Witcher, Need for Speed, Rise of the Tomb Raider or any launch titles between PS4, PC and Xbox and there is not much difference. I do have a high end PC and a PS4 btw, but on PC I find bugs that simply don't exist (or are very fewer) than on console, especially if we are talking about Ubisoft and Warner Bros. 

The real qualities of PC for me has nothing to do with "1080p 60fps" that PC players claim. Almost all the great exclusives of PC, such as Warcraft, LoL and Dota runs on every machine for a reason, and the average PC gamer has the same or worst graphical quality that console players have. The qualities of PC are: not paying for online network, exclusives and good price on games.

Even when PS4 marked itself as "The most powerful console" that was not why people liked. We knew the PS3 historic, so we trusted Sony exclusives, and Xbox has burned itself with it's bad policies. The difference about 900p and 1080p was not a hot topic outside fanboy wars.

So if the Neo will be a "Very High" settings for games, will I notice this? Will I care? I see a 5~10% difference on PC, and don't think that's much. Will the softwares be cheaper? Because that's something that I care. I'm fine with exclusives. We have Uncharted, Bloodborne, Persona, Horizon, etc.

But if Neo is not really relevant, Sony at least tend to have the right price tag. If they sell a better console for $499 I can totally see this working.

But Scorpio? Coming one year after? People will care about this "6 teraflops" as much as they cared wih the "Do the math" merchan, from Sega, that tried to sell the idea that their 64bits console was better than the other 16/32bits. Plus, they will not be able to sell a much more powerful console than PS4 Neo with the same price.

When MS told us about the new Xbox Elite Controller the price was disappointing. It is not really expensive for people that already buy similar controllers, I know that, but for the majority of gamers a few plastic pieces and obscurece-better-control-response was not enough to upgrade. I see this same scenario for Scorpio, something that only a few people will care.

Microsoft says that Scorpio can run games at 4K resolution and 60fps, and everybody knows this is simply not true. Not even PCs can do that with a very pricey graphic card. You can play Ori or Cuphead at 4k/60fps, but native 4K on The Witcher 3? Come on... Gimme a break. Only if it's an upscale to 4K.

Back on PS3/X360, Sony almost lost their fanbase due to the lack of games and their bad timing. They were 1 year late to compete with X360, but they managed to surpass with exclusives titles such as MGS4, The Last of Us, and the blu-ray player. What will be the reason to pick an Scorpio over the PS4 Neo?

All the Microsoft games, probably even Halo 6, will be on PC. I see a bigger diversity from Microsoft titles now, but it's still not enough. Even interessing games such as Scalebound and State of Decay are obliterated when compared to Horizon and Days Gone. For every single Microsoft game, there's a better game on PS4 side. And games like Forza can run on PC too. For me, both consoles are trying to reach everything, but they will fail because PC does what they are only trying to do.

3DS, Wii, PSP, Vita, PS2, PS3, PS4 & Steam.