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SuaveSocialist said:
DonFerrari said:

Socialism killed 100M

"Ignoring other big wars due to capitalism and only focusing on US action and only including one year for things that are systemic (ie. poverty), which is being really damn conservative because Japan engaged in brutal imperialism, we get a total of 205,000,000 killed directly or indirectly because of capitalism."

Some estimates put it at 1.6 Billion

Just a little dose of perspective.

So we have several centuries atributed to capitalism in the death count on the whole world versus some decades of direct famine death and execution on socialism and you want to use the same balance?

Your dose of perspective isn't even a serious study.

But let's just calculate all deaths occured in capitalist countries as deaths caused by capitalism, sure.

Final-Fan said:
DonFerrari said:

I now what you wanted to convey, I was using my card as non-speaker to joke around, relax.

Unions were first created some century ago with some ideals, today they hardly reflect that creation ideal... Yes, unions are about trying to grab other people money to them. You won't see unions opening their own factory and paying big paychecks, they will only try to go after other companies and suck it out. Cooperatives try and open their own companies, usually very short lived or in the end not paying to much more than regular companies.

But anyway this doesn't invalidate my answer that in north you have a bigger salary and union members than in south, it just revalidates it. The wages are higher not because there are more unions, but because there is more wealth.

Could you explain why it was supposed to be funny?  I don't see what the joke is in you saying "I dont understand that word". 

It seems pretty foolish to paint all unions with the same brush.  They can run on good ideals (they started that way), but none today hold those same ideals?  You can't just throw that out there without explaining how that would be true.  Why would unions universally transition from trying to help people to being just after the money? 

And, looking at the history of the labor movement, how do you explain the correlation of "better wages and benefits followed unionization"? 

For you to suppose that I didn't know it so you had to be a little condescendent explaining.

It isn't painting all with the same brush, is saying that one degree or another group leaders try more to get benefits to themselves than to benefit others. Is all socialists evil? No, but all that arose to absolute power are. They start asking for equal rights and better payment and end as kings.

I explain that quality of life followed industrialization and better wages followed more value (and wealth) being created. You can't share what you don't have.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."