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Cloudman said:
Super_Boom said:

Like most things, I'd recommend trying it out before taking our word for it. The support cast is pretty awesome, and the setting is unique. The only drawback is an annoyingly perfect it depends how big of a deal that is for you.

If you're looking for a big Shounen adventure manga to start, a few of us are reading Hero Academia here, and I can highly recommend that one. It starts off following familiar templates, but really stands on its own later on. The last big arc was fantastic, and I still find myself daydreaming about it at random times of the day. Last time I was this hooked on a manga like this was while I was catching up on One Piece.

Haha, alright then. I'll give them both a read today when I can.

You'd read those two and not Jojo?! D':