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Let me start of by saying, that while you have a noticable accent, your english is very good and perfectly understandable.

I think it would do your videos some good if actually included some screens that detailed the portion of the rewiew you're about to tackle.

Like, for example, have a loading bar that has only the first part filled and have 'Graphics' written above it. Then for the next part you have two parts on the bar filled and the word 'Gameplay' above it.
I'd also leave a bit more of a pause going from on segment into the next before announcing the segment title. You often seemed barely finished with one Sentence before exclaiming the next title.

Also small nitpick, but if you're talking about the story, don't say you didn't play the story. If the story was bland and uninteresting say that. If the story was interesting, but nothing special say that, but don't skip a segment like that entirely.

I get that these are supposed to be small faster paced rewiews but I think a little more audio/visual structure like that would improve them and help show your personlity as a rewiever.