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I started over after my first 20 hours of Dark souls. Then the game clicked, plus starting with the master key the second time helped a lot.

The level design is awesome, the descent to Blightown is one of my favorite gameplay memories. I got spooked, ran, jumped down to a bonfire midway then was stuck there. No clue what the way back was, enemies all around above my current abilities. Dark souls is like learning to dance, learn the positions, the moves, it's old school. Slowly you get better and start thinking 3 moves ahead instead of reacting. Before long the trip back up or down becomes a well choreographed speed run.

But I wasn't fond of the bosses either. Merely annoying obstacles to get out of the way, or a good place to farm souls for upgrades in co-op. I still stuck it out until halfway through ng++, didn't feel like Ornstein and Smough for a 3rd time, plus I had seen all the extra bits already.

DS2 wasn't as good, fast travel ruined the already much weaker level design and my retention of the game. You can't even backtrack if you want to. Beat it, but no ng+.

I still haven't touched Bloodborne although I bought it at launch. Faster action and other changes to combat do not fit my play style. Maybe one day. I've ignored DS3.