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Happysquirrel, I agree with you that they are all competeing for the same General Market, which is Gamers. To say the price point isn't a valid arguement is being extremely narrow minded. Of course price matters. Of course the folks at Sony and MS knew that the price would be a handicap. Do you honestly think they didn't? If they did not think price was going to be an issue, why not release the PS3 at 700 or 800 dollars? C'mon be real. This whole arguement is nothing more than fanboy driven. Nintendo fanboys want to believe they have the "winning" console completely due to it's own merits and not due to a price advantage, and the HD fanboys want to completely eliminate the Wii totally from the equation. The truth is your both wrong. The truth is both are wrong and right. It's a stupid debate. They are competeing in the same market but all have different goals.