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Your damn right its unpopular.

Its also comically short sighted and inept you fool.

So the 360 has good games coming out at the end of the year? Fair point. But are we then ignoring Resistance 2, motorstorm 2, LBP, Tekken...?

Wireless support? Oh jeez, surely not wireless support! As in the function the PS3 has had for over a year? Crikey, i can see a sales spike...NOT

The x-mote can suck my balls. People will just see it as a knock off of the wiis controller and a tiny update of a television remote. BIG EFFING DEAL

And the hard drive...and blu ray...your saying the 360 will outsell the PS3 by COPYING IT....?

How sad.

This was the worst prediction ive ever heard. GO HOME

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot