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While it has a lot going for it, many of the most voted best GBA games have similar(and in some cases superior) iterations on the DS or even 3DS; Final Fantasy Tactics, Mario & Luigi, Mario Cart, Iga-vania games, etc. It has the most remakes in it's top list of games: Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Final Fantasy and Pokemon. And hugely jarring is GBA's lack of an original Mario game, of all things.

It has some amazing original experiences(Wario Land 4, Metroid: Fusion, PKM:RSE, Zelda: MC, FIRE EMBLEM 7), and Metroid: Zero Mission is the best 2D Metroid experience to date. But it relies too heavily on remakes to pad it's offerings to be considered the best, not with DS and 3DS surpassing it in every quality way.

3DS for sure; many unique experiences with access to DS' catalog.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"