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Nintendo tried to go with power when they had the Gamecube, that didn't work out for them and neither is it with underpowered hardware. They are damned if they try and damned if they don't, people always making up that "but they aren't doing this ultra specific thing I think they should do in order to come out on top, it's totally guaranteed" fail to see that in doing that ultra specific thing, they aren't always guaranteed the same if not greater success that the other parties have had for a number of years, that and it would make them a near exact replica which isn't always a good thing.

I want Nintendo to go with beefier hardware but at the same time I know that definitely won't be outright winning them millions upon millions of sales and billions in profits. This gen already has shown that two came out half baked and needed revisions to then sell the same gen system but with slightly different hw in order to stay near the top, that isn't really Nintendo's thing, not in the way X1 and PS4 are going anyway.

Besides we've seen what happened with the Wii U, if it happened with the NX all we'd see are late port jobs that are either clunky and/or more expensive. Third parties already need to try harder since we see bad port jobs from time to time across multiple systems so it's hardly just Nintendo's fault, a lot of third parties need to collectively get their shit together tenfold, if one system needs to try hard then third parties need to try a colossal amount harder for those multiple systems or just go home.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"