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if anyone at any point wants to end their lives, kill themselves in a drastic manner or in a slower process- that should be their decision.

I understand some question marks if they never spoke about the topic or mentioned and preference PRIOR to being in a coma or something, then its a bit more questionable, but if its an instance where a patient literally is in massive pain and requesting it- you better god damn respect their choice.

Its a quintissential freedom. In fact if someone wants to commit suicide that's their choice. I'm not advocating said action or saying I think its a good one, but the most beautiful part about life should be the freedom to make our own choices (assuming they affect only our own bodies/livliness). If someone makes the conscious decision to check out of life then that's their business

the medical industry / government forcing people into prolonged suffering is the most ridiculous form of medical guidance and fake empathy that you'll ever see, and family's who are too selfish and consumed by their own emotions to allow their loved one to pass on when things are beyond doubt are just awful.