barneystinson69 said: 500GB about to pass 2TB model. The PS4 doesn't seem to be doing as well though. I haven't seen it at such a low ranking in quite awhile. Happy too see two XB1 consoles in the top 40, though the Madden bundle still seems to be struggling the most. |
The advertising and focus at the moment is on the XB1s and the media are talking about the XB1s. MS are also clearing stock of the older XB1s. Next month the media will be talking about either the PS4 Slim, possibly the Neo and PSVR. Sony may opt to just keep the PS4 as is and drop the price OR they may call the Neo the slim in preparation for another console to match the Scorpio next year. I'm inclined to think calling the Neo a slim is not a bad move.
The PS5 Exists.