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Slimebeast said:
JEMC said:

Oh, it's not tiring at all, and some of them are funny XD.

The reasons why I'm still using that card are several:

1-First of all, I'm catalan. Do you know what some (mostly from the UK) say about the Scotish being cheap, miserly, miser or stingy? Well, the same applies to Catalans in Spain. Even more, I'm from a catalan region that even the other catalans say that are cheap. So imagine how cheap I am!

2-I didn't start looking for a new GPU until three or four years ago. My 5850 runs most if not all PS360 ports at mid-high or high settings on my 1080p monitor, so I didn't felt the need to get something better until the PS4/X1 rumors gained traction, at which point I felt the necessity of getting a card capable of running ports from those machines.

3-I prefer having a quiet PC, and with that in mind is how I bought my parts, like a quiet PC case like Antec's P183. That's ok, but besides the limited airflow problem, it also brought another one: card length. Only cards up to 10.5"/a bit less than 27cm. *ouch!*

4-Because of point 3, the AMD 2xx/3xx series where out of the equation, they run too hot for my case and the third party coolers made them also too long. That left the GTX 970 as the only viable option, and I have to say that I was on the brink of getting one, but coil noise problems at first and lack of availabilty later prevented me to do that. And then came the 3.5+.05GB reveal. Oh, God. But hey, not everything was lost, Nvidia said that it wasn't a problem because they only had to tweak a little the drivers to optimize the games for such memory configuration, that it will be ok. And then The Witcher 3 came and, somehow, the Kepler cards had bad drivers that crippled its performance. And I had to trust them to make special drivers for the 970 memory configuration? Yeah, right...

And that's how I ended up in my current situation, being pissed of by the performance of the new AMD cards and the silly price of Nvidia's offerings.


Oh, and I haven't played anything the last couple of months because there were some troubles in the family and I wasn't in the mood. Luckily, the situation is almost solved.

I love this, and I appreciate a long answer.

1. Wow. This is true? I think it's fascinating, cultural differences that is. I don't know about the Scottish myth and whether that is true or not, but there are certainly countries that are "cheaper" than others, depending on a lot of factors. For example as a Swede, I know that our brothers in the east, the Finns, are significantly cheaper when it comes to spending than Swedes are. It has a lot to do with history and confidence when it comes to wealth, but I'm not going in to that deeper. It's interesting. Catalonia btw is definitely one of the wealthier parts of Spain, isn't it? That's what I've heard a lot. Anyway, JEMC admits he is a cheap person. I love it.

2. "not until four years ago" LOL Four years and you still haven't bought the product you are into? lol, many people search a product for four hours and then make a purchase, including PC gamers like myself looking for hardware.

3. So 27cm what does that mean in practice when it comes to cards like the RX 480 and Geforce 1060 and 1070 for example?

4. What is "coil noise problems"? Coil?? I haven't actually heard that much about the 3.5GB + 0.5 GB issue although I know what it is now. To me it always felt like an extremely valuable card for the buck. Today, after the Nvidia patches, how much hampered is 970 performance in Witcher 3 if any?

Pretty interesting to see that it seems not so much to be about money that you haven't upgraded yet. It's logic reasoning. And the cheap mentality.

Damn, family problems? I have them too from time to time. And especially my own. I love my family so much (meaning the blood ties, I don't have a partner nor children). If you could elaborate on anything it would be very much appreciated but I totally understand if you don't want to.

Don't you hate when you lose the mood to play? Damn, I've been on vacation for almost four weeks now (or what do you call the actual time you are off of work? I don't mean that I'm out traveling) and I haven't played nearly as much as I had planned to. And totally the wrong games too. I hate when the mood, or energy, just isn't there. Because I love video games so much, there's so much that I want to experience no matter what anybody says.

1-There's a saying: "Why are the rich, rich? Because they don't spend money!" Something like that is what lies in our mentality, to save money to live better in the future or in case that there are troubles.

2-Well, four years ago we didn't know the specs of the PS4/X1, so I didn't know which card would do it, and I wasn't up to date with the newer graphic cards, so I had to read a bit more. Besides, being the cheap that I am, I want to make sure that I won't regret my purchase!

3-Reference RX 480 fits ok, it's ˜25cm long. Third party models like Sapphire's Nitro and Gigabyte's G1 Gaming also fit, but others like MSI's Gaming and the Asus Strix don't. The 1060 and 1070 Founders Edition are a very tight fit, and most third party solutions are longer than that. But there's short PCB versions like the ones from EVGA.

4-The coil problems, or as they are know "Coil whine" is a noise that comes from the capacitators (the cilindrical parts that stand up in PCB shoots like this one). Sometimes, when current goes through them, they make an electric noise that can drive you nuts. Here's a video from Linus that shows it on an HD 7970.

The problems with the frivers of The Witcher 3 were for owners of the 6xx and 7xx series of cards, those were the Kepler cards. They patched it and now they run the game fine, as far as I know.


The problem we had was my grandmother, the last of my grandparents, that fell at home and had to be taken to the hospital, where they found an infection, etc, etc. After two months, one in the hospital and another one in a recovery center, she's mostly fine, though she hasn't gone back at home, she now lives in a residence for elder people.

Yes, we also call them vacation (actually it's written almost like in English: vacaciones). I hope you have enjoyed yours despite not playing as much as you wanted.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.