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Kerotan said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

Kinda late for that now xD

Hulk hogan then. 

So that would be Game Freak/Nintendo then

Swordmasterman said:
Kojima Productions should purchase each one of Konami's IPs. Maybe when Death Stranding launch, and after Konami devalue their franchises, they will have enought money to purchase them all.

Yeaaaaaaah... I'm positive that you don't realize how valuable some of Konami's IPs are, even if they devaluated in the next 4/5 years they would never ever be affordable by a newborn team like Kojima Productions, not even Death Stranding's release...

bigtakilla said:
Well, let's see.

ZoE would be handed to Monolith Soft, they make great looking mechs and are known for their ability to let you customize EVERYTHING!

Silent Hill would go to Tecmo Koei, Fatal Frame V was an atmospheric masterpiece and stands as one if not THE greatest survival horror games this gen. Now give them the time and budget for a franchise as big and sells as well as Silent Hill and buy new socks. The ones you have now would be blown the f off.

Castlevania would be given to Nintendo but be outsourced to Platinum under a AAA budget. I don't trust Platinum with any IP by themselves anymore after the flood of arcade titles. Platinum gets free reign though like Bayo 2. Just sign the f'n checks Nintendo.

MGS would go to Valhalla Studios, because the IP needs someone who's a bit strange to bring the series back from the white bread MGS V disaster.

Suikoden would also go to Monolith Soft. They can craft a hell of a story revolving around religeon, let's allow them to take a crack at an extremely heavy political plot.

You almost got me with ZoE with Monolith Soft (which would be extremely cool) but then MGS to Valhalla Studios ? Ewwwww that studio as of now is worse than Konami: they have become the b**ch of a Korean Mobile game giant corporation...