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This has probably been the most interesting case of game drama I've seen in years, forget TO or TR, this game and it's following takes the cake entirely.

On the one side you have the "haters", scum of the earth, hate it for no apparent reason other than to hate it. Then you have the followers of the game who think it's the best thing since sliced bread, any ill talk of it will have your side DDOS'd and your character defaced. Then of course we have the take what you can get side of things which is seemingly the case here as we go with what has been given and then use it as the "hey these guys get what I get" kind of logic.

Definitely an interesting series of events. Makes me wonder who will come out on top, the holier than thou's or the scum of the earth.

Also that site gave DOOM 2.5/5 with it's userbase flat out disagreeing with the site itself, I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with that picture. 

I'm also wondering if the third social experiment will be allowed?, the first and second were eventually admitted by one on here and of course shut down. The "exposure" to not name names but point at people from afar to become the holier than thou isn't going to do anyone a solid favour, it's just going to make you stand out as the type who wants to personally stick it to someone without the consequences.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"